A.C.E. of SW Minnesota
Formerly known as RSVP of SW Minnesota
The programs and services we offer are founded on Advocating, Connecting, and Educating the citizens of southwest Minnesota. Our resources and supports help to enable adults to live safely and independently for as long as possible. We also help meet community needs by matching volunteers with activities that fit their interests, schedules, and experience.

Creating strong, involved communities focusing on volunteerism and active living programs for adults 55 & above, and care partners of all ages.
Bringing volunteers and healthy living programs together to create communities where older adults and care partners thrive.
Our Service Area
A.C.E. of SW MN receives funding from the AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Program, the State of Minnesota, MN Board on Aging, MN River Area Agency on Aging Inc. (MNRAAA), United Way of Nobles County, Southwest Initiative Foundation, and the counties of Cottonwood, Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, and Rock.

We are here to help you!
We are your local voice for aging services and volunteer opportunities and are ready to serve you!