Reduce the fear of falling
A Matter of Balance is specifically designed to reduce the fear of falling, stop the fear of falling cycle, and improve activity levels among community-dwelling older adults.

The program includes eight 2-hour classes where participants learn:
- To view falls and the fear of falling as controllable
- To set realistic goals for increasing activity
- To change their environment to reduce fall risk factors
- To promote exercise to increase strength and balance
Do you have concerns about falling?
MOB is designed to benefit community-dwelling older adults who are concerned about falls, have sustained a fall in the past, have restricted their activities because of concerns about falling, are interested in improving flexibility, balance and strength, are age 60 or older, ambulatory and able to problem-solve.
Participants have found significant improvement regarding their level of falls management, falls control, level of exercise, and social limitations with regard to concern about falling.

Is there a fee?
The cost for A.C.E. of SW Minnesota to offer MOB classes is based on individual voluntary contributions and donations. No one will be denied services because of their inability or unwillingness to contribute towards this service.
Because this service is made possible, in part, under the Federal Older Americans Act through a grant award from the Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging (MNRAAA) under an Area Plan approved by the Minnesota Board on Aging, certain guidelines must be strictly adhered to. Cost sharing is one of those guidelines. A.C.E. of Southwest Minnesota has a fully established and implemented Cost Share Policy/Statement of Value Process for Title III program participants with coordinating sliding scales. Title III-D A Matter of Balance Sliding Fee Scale

We are here to help you!
We are your local voice for aging services and volunteer opportunities and are ready to serve you!
A.C.E. of Southwest Minnesota is funded in part by AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Program, MN Board on Aging, and MNRAAA.
It is also sponsored locally by Cottonwood, Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, and Rock Counties.