Helping caregivers take care of themselves
Powerful Tools for Caregivers is an education program designed to provide family caregivers with the tools needed to take care of themselves. Participants learn to practice self care, communicate effectively with others, communicate effectively in challenging situations, learn from their emotions, reduce personal stress, guilt, anger and depression, manage caregiving transitions, make tough caregiving decisions, set goals and problem solve.

Classes consist of several 2½ hour sessions per week—over the course of six weeks. Experienced class leaders conduct each session. Interactive lessons, discussions, and brainstorming all have a role in making the program work for participants.

Is there a fee?
The cost for A.C.E. of SW Minnesota to offer Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes is based on individual voluntary contributions and donations. No one will be denied services because of their inability or unwillingness to contribute towards this service.
Because this service is made possible, in part, under the Federal Older Americans Act through a grant award from the Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging (MNRAAA) under an Area Plan approved by the Minnesota Board on Aging, certain guidelines must be strictly adhered to. Cost sharing is one of those guidelines. A.C.E. of Southwest Minnesota has a fully established and implemented Cost Share Policy/Statement of Value Process for Title III program participants with coordinating sliding scales. Title III-E Powerful Tools for Caregivers Sliding Fee Scale

We are here to help you!
We are your local voice for aging services and volunteer opportunities and are ready to serve you!
A.C.E. of Southwest Minnesota is funded in part by AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Program, MN Board on Aging, and MNRAAA.
It is also sponsored locally by Cottonwood, Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, and Rock Counties.