What is Respite Care?
Respite Care offers short-term (1-3 hours), temporary care for families and caregivers giving them relief from the daily care of their elderly loved one.
Volunteers provide non-professional supportive services to individuals in need. It helps families continue to provide at home care. Giving you time for yourself, relieve stress, helps you stay healthy.
Who’s taking care of you?
The demands of caregiving can be stressful. The best thing that you can do for the person you love is stay healthy yourself. Breaks don’t have to be long to make a difference. It's alright to have help with your caregiving; it will actually benefit both of you.
An occasional “respite” or short break from your daily responsibility can renew your patience and strength.
A.C.E. of SW MN Respite Program can make a difference
How can we help?
A.C.E.’s trained Respite volunteers will provide Respite care to family caregivers who are caring for someone who is 60+ years of age and suffers from long-term health conditions. Volunteers are recruited from all walks of life. A commitment for helping others is the most important requirement for becoming a volunteer of our Respite program.
Is there a fee?
The cost of the A.C.E. Respite Program is based on income. A sliding fee scale will be used to determine the cost of services. No one will be denied services because of their inability to pay for services.
Because this service is made possible, in part, under the Federal Older Americans Act through a grant award from the Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging (MNRAAA) under an Area Plan approved by the Minnesota Board on Aging, certain guidelines must be strictly adhered to. Cost sharing is one of those guidelines. A.C.E. of Southwest Minnesota has a fully established and implemented Cost Share Policy/Statement of Value Process for Title III program participants with coordinating sliding scales. Title III-E Caregiver Respite Sliding Fee Scale
We are here to help you!
We are your local voice for aging services and volunteer opportunities and are ready to serve you!
A.C.E. of Southwest Minnesota is funded in part by AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Program, MN Board on Aging, and MNRAAA.
It is also sponsored locally by Cottonwood, Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, and Rock Counties.